
Pants-on-Fire! – Divorce Fact-Checking

Facts matter.  Maybe not so much in politics these days, but very definitely in divorce.If you are divorcing, you’re likely to encounter a host of facts about family law, presented as conventional wisdom. Unfortunately, much of that CW will be inconsistent with your state’s laws, inapplicable to your case, flat-out wrong… or some magical combination of all three.Reliance

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How Laughter Will Help You Survive Your Divorce

From time to time, I use humor to help clients through particularly rough patches in their divorces, to help them (and me) keep perspective, and even to negotiate settlements. My clients understand that the humor isn’t intended to make light of what they’re going through. Quite the contrary, it acknowledges how miserable divorce can be…

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Divorce Fact Checking

If you are divorcing, you’re likely to encounter lots of conventional wisdom about divorce. Unfortunately, much of the Divorce CW you hear may be inconsistent with your state’s laws, inapplicable to the facts of your case, or just plain wrong. Below are some of the most often heard pieces of divorce CW. All of them are

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Legal Fee Saver Inside Tip #4: Unbundled Representation

“Unbundled representation,” also known as “discrete task” or “limited scope” representation can, in the right circumstances, save divorcing spouses a lot of money. In the approximately 40 states that permit it, unbundled representation allows divorcing individuals to choose which parts of their case a lawyer will handle.  Tasks that can be easily separated from the

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How to Interview a Divorce Lawyer – Part II

In Part I of this article, I discussed some questions to ask a lawyer at an initial consultation. Those questions related to the law and how it applies to the facts of your case. This second part of the article deals with the other questions to be asked. Those questions relate to the lawyer’s credentials

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How to Interview a Divorce Lawyer – Part I

Finding an experienced family attorney with whom you “click” dramatically improves your prospects for achieving your divorce goals. With the possible exception of your current spouse, let’s assume you are a good judge of people. Let’s further assume that you’ve read a blog or 2 on how to choose a divorce lawyer. Finally, let’s assume

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